press review
I recommend reading of current “Format” [no. 1 (51) 2007], not only in purpose of recollecting of the not long past debates. The repeated interest in painting has been a fact but this process can be observed for several years, what the text by Krzysztof Stanisławski recalls about. Also in case of Poland one can say that this phenomenon has been occurring for some time, to mention only the inquisitiveness, which the activity of Ładnie group, as well as Dominik Lejman and many other artists, has received. Where does an awaiting of a breakthrough appearing in some comments in “Format” originate from?
Firstly, Winiecka’s argumentation is rather doubtful and after reading that pasquil we can try to polemise with Wirtualnym sado-maso [A virtual sadomasochist] especially noticeable a fragment of the first paragraph of this review: “It should be forestalled: I familiarized with an output of those authors only thanks to Bernadetta Darska”. Who are those authors? They are characters of Darska’s books, for example: Mariusz Sieniewicz, Joanna Wilengowska, Filip Onichimowski, Ewa Schilling and Włodzimierz Kowalewski. Mrs. Winiecka gave me a sensational thought – when there will be a chance I’ll defend poets and writers about whom I’ve never heard about and whose books I never held in my had.
Paul Valéry wrote: "[after having entered the museum hall] I'm filled with consternation. My steps become hallowed. My voice alters – becomes little bit louder than in church, but still sounds more gentle than in everyday life." So that it would sound like that everyday, and museum wouldn't be associated with a dozens of bans and felt slippers, a new idea of nurturing the memory about the past arose in 60's in France – ecomuseums. Eulalia Domanowska in her article Muzeów czar. Z perspektywy skandynawskiej (The Miracle of Museums. From a Scandinavian perspective), published in the latest issue of “Orońsko” [1 (66) 2007], tells about that idea.