press review
This issue resembles a room full of toys. First there is bewilderment. The richness of objects gives pleasure to the eyes, lures into an undiscovered mystery, which hides in each of them. When the first rapture comes to the end, one may recognize what really draws attention. The association with the childlike kingdom of unconcerned joy suggests itself naturally: this year’s third issue of “Czas Kultury” (“The Time of Culture”) (3/2007), in the overwhelming part, is devoted to… exactly, to what? To the childhood, childishness, the child in us, infantility or the time of the childhoodness? There is also an English-language term: cuteness – in an extremely interesting and enlightening sketch of Maja Brzozowska–Bryczewska entitled To co urocze. Notatki o estetyce cuteness. (What is charming. Notes about cuteness aesthetics).