Journals Showcase (Witryna

№ 4 (37)
April 17th, 2007

press review | authors | archive


They have been silent for more than a year. Actually, it was silence in the field of publishing their irregular quarterly because in other fields they were very effective (including their website as well as “in reality” – including their “dayroom”), building the base and superstructure. In the end of last year and in the beginning of 2007, they came back with a book and with a magazine. The editor assures that it is only the beginning and it is to be continued soon. Ladies and Gentlemen: “Krytyka Polityczna” ("the Political Criticism")!

In the newest “Krytyka Polityczna” (11-12/2007), Agata Bielik-Robson answers to the Kazimiera Szczuka polemic published in the former edition (9-10/2006) as a response to the Robson’s essay published in “ResPublica Nowa (7-8/1996). The question is: who betrayed? The subject of betrayal is warmth, emotional one. Szczuka claims that Bielik-Robson renounced this warmth as she did not become a feminist (assuming that feminists know better how it is with unconditional love). Bielik-Robson answers: she did not become a feminist because she appreciates this warmth (assuming that feminism is wrong about warmth). Who is right? I will not be pretending to be neutral: Bielik-Robson’s got the point. Why? It’s simple: she just presents weak sides of Szczuka’s text much more convincingly. Szczuka deals with warmth using chastening rhetoric and utopian content. She is disgusted by naïve, “common” signs of love. As Bielik-Robson points out, Szczuka derides it with patronizing attitude that can be compared to professor Legutko manner. This “human, too human” emotions are postponed to “someday” because it’s not time for tears, it’s time for fight now. Bielik-Robson wants to enjoy emotions and calmness on this planet and in this life – therefore, she does not consider to believe in feminism. If the contemptuous giggle of the feminists is the only price to pay for that, then it’s not a problem. The woman in question, for whom no one can live her life, declares that she does not regret anything in her love life.

Two hundred pages before, a piece of writing by Walter Benjamin is presented: „Capitalism as religion” (translated by Paweł Mościcki; I have also seen a brand new philosophical magazine “Kronos” with Benjamin’s text: Theological-Political Fragment translated and commented on by Adam Lipszyc). Benjamin is only partly right stating that capitalism regarded almost as religion makes people hopelessly overwhelmed with guilt and makes them have mental diseases. The crux of the matter is that these are people who make themselves insane (as a reaction to capitalism). Indeed, it is not easy to lead life under capitalism but it does not mean that all of us should lose our marbles. What we can observe in Poland today, is a typical example of seeking an aggrieved party status. Throughout the country, people feel excluded, victimized and almost no one feels all right. As far as I remember, this existential way has its name: homo sovieticus, a man who is entitled to everything. Conversely, when he is not entitled to anything, he assumes that the world is a jungle and in this way he leaves no alternative. The third way includes metaphysical “starting packet” which is just to start, not to stay with us forever. However, it poses some problem to give it a name so I’m awaiting your suggestions.

I would also like to comment on David Ost’s “Politics and anger” essay (also from the “Krytyka Polityczna”, translated by Michał Sutowski). Thesis is the following: the winner is the one who knows what people actually want. An effective politician can see his voters’ emotions and expresses emotions, too. He is one of them. Stalin also had impressive photos taken – it can be seen that PR was in his blood. The nature of emotions does not make it easy to bottle them up. The one who is able to do this will win. It can be seen in a film that has come out recently – Notes on a Scandal with Judie Dench and Cate Blanchett (both nominated for an Oscar). Notes on a Scandal suggest how to solve this problem: it’s a talk. Once a man has vented his grievances, he may become a quality Joe. And I would like to wish you that.

As I mentioned, “Krytyka Polityczna” not only a “quarterly” (inverted commas necessary). It’s also a brand for the book series, dayroom “REDakcja”, a group of editors who boldly enter media. It is also a website ( with joyful news: picture of Agata Bielik-Robson with Wyborowa vodka in her hand, invitation to the Rospuda Valley. Generally, it’s cool. “Krytyka Polityczna” website is marvelous because it does not take after the magazine and it does not let us wait for it.

Maciej Stroiński
Translated by Natalia Mielech

Discussed journals: Krytyka Polityczna